Archive for June, 2013
Ah… the Beach….
Friday, June 21st, 2013The Diamond Dimensions Ruler!
Thursday, June 20th, 2013Got my first shipment of rulers yesterday! They are in the warehouse and ready to go!
I’m so excited about this tool. Not only can it do 45-degree diamonds up to 8″ wide but it makes mitering borders and blocks a breeze! Check out this how-to video to see what I mean!
Diamond Dimensions Ruler How-to Video
Here are just a few of the patterns I’ve got going for the ruler with many more to come.
The Diamond Star started the whole thing! I needed a diamond ruler big enough with an easy-to-find 45-degree line to make the blocks.
Diamond Chains was originally made with templates and lots of weird cutting – its so much easier now!
WaterFall – a little nod to the Modern Quilt movement. These diamonds are converted into rectangles for easy straight-line sewing. Watch the How-To video to see what I mean.
Amish Star has a lot of 45-degree cuts – easily done with the built-in 45-degree angle on the Diamond Dimensions Ruler!
Kaleidoscope Star – a quick and easy pattern from Cut Loose Press. Let the fabric do all the work!
Diamond Collage is still on the cutting board – well, actually, the long-arm but it will be ready to go in just a week or two.
There will be more to come! But don’t wait on me – the ruler speaks for itself! Listen to it and get inspired!