Archive for June, 2012

Display Space!

Friday, June 29th, 2012

Check out what my husband just finished building for me!

This is four ladders – width of 23″ or so – they are joined with detachable hinges so I can take them apart to move around easily or only use two or three at a time if four is just too big.

The wide set rungs really display the  quilts nicely. They don’t have to be folded too small to fit – I am just tickled pink!  I think he’s on to something and is considering building some more… Interested?

Appreciating Your Opinion!

Friday, June 22nd, 2012

Many thanks to Kelly of Hoppin Bobbin who offered some helpful suggestions to the Free Tote Bag pattern for my Creative Grids 15-Degree Triangle ruler. I think you will find this amended pattern a much better product. As always, I appreciate your feedback, positive and constructive. I remain humble enough to recognize that I don’t know it all! Although I’m trying too!

tote bag

Hoppin Bobbin plans to feature this pattern in an upcoming Free Bag Lady class. Check with the shop to get more info! 410-272-2226


Sometimes Stuff Just Gets in the Way

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

I was feeling very generous yesterday so no quilting for me! I have to give these cats credit. They have learned that the quilt on the frame is not a hammock and they can’t sleep in it. Apparently right next to it will do! It is a very convenient spot up and away from the dogs but still in the thick of the household activities.

Obviously, it didn’t take much for me to avoid quilting, that’s for sure. I could have shooed them off and gotten to work but there is always something else to do in my studio. So plan B – binding and paperwork worked just as well.  Today I quilt  – after I shoo the cat off – yes, one is there already but I plan to be more assertive today… in a little while…

Short and Sweet!

Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

I”m told that my quilts are too big! That everyone wants to have a project that they can actually finish! So, today, I’ve been working on that issue. Table runners and place-mats should fit the bill! Here are two upcoming addendum to my Fan-Tastic Fanwork patterns using my Creative Grids 15-degree Ruler.  The addendum will be free but you’ll have to  buy the patterns for the big quilts to get all the inside  information, like measuring and cutting!

Here are a couple of examples I’m working on – the Uneven Fans as a table runner – they still need to be quilted. Note the red – Pretty cool! or Hot! Red is a warm color, after all!

And the Stacked Fans as a table runner and a place-mat.  The Table Runner is quilted already. I used the Quilt-As-You-Go method  – flipping and sewing as I went along – Fast! But since I didn’t think about that before I started the placement, it is simply straight-line stitched.

So keep an eye out for the addendums coming soon! Who knows, you may be savvy enough to figure it out just from the picture but you still need the ruler!


Hitting it Big with You-Tube – May It Go Viral!

Thursday, June 7th, 2012

I am so excited to see that I didn’t do half bad demonstration how to use my Creative Grids 15-Degree Triangle Ruler. Its hard to be a movie star!

Open House Trunk Show

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

I am honored to be asked to have a Trunk Show at Hoppin Bobbin in Aberdeen Maryland! All to highlight the debut of the Creative Grids 15-Degree Triangle Ruler I designed and the 12 patterns I have ready to go with the ruler – my Fan-Tastic Fan Series! It starts tonight 6-8pm. Refreshments will be served. A demo and short lecture about the whole Fan-work process starts at 6:30.  Kelly Davis (of Hoppin’ Bobbin) and I hung the show yesterday – well she hung it, I handed her pins. Here’s a sneak peak of some of the quilts. If you can’t make it tonight, the quilts will be hanging until the end of the month. Come in and get inspired!