While in Houston, I came across this demo in the Jenny Haskins booth. I’ll show you how it works here as I can’t find any thing about it at her website. She starts out with her product Krinkle Magic – her version of Texture Magic, a Superior Threads product – here are some demo videos on YouTube.
I’ll do my best to explain this wonderful 3-dimensional flower technique to you. This concept opens up a world of ideas with applique and embellishment! First you start with your flower fabric. I used a bastiste but you could use anything from cottons to silks and sheers. You will have to play with it to see the results. I made a sandwich of flower fabric, Texture magic, flower fabric – the flower fabrics have “right sides” to the outside of the sandwich. Then I hooped it and stitched a flower. If you have a embroidery machine, you could just program in a flower design. I thread-painted mine.
Next I trimmed very closely around it. Jenny Haskins used synthetic fabrics and threads and has a “burning” tool that trimmed away the extra fabric quite nicely but could never be used with cottons!!
After its trimmed, you attack it with steam! Do not let the iron touch the flower or the texture magic will melt into hard plastic. Also, make sure your iron is clean. I never use steam so when I filled up my iron and let it blow, it decided now was a good time to clean out all its pipes –
This was pretty disgusting as well as ruining my flower!! I had to even wash the ironing board cover!!! So make sure your steam is clean. I ended up steaming my flowers very carefully with the tea kettle!!
Here’s a cleaner version of the flower – note the leaf too! I made two flowers, one slightly smaller. They can be sewn together in as many layers as you would like your flower to be. You may even consider embellishing the flower center with beads or french knots or buttons… I had a lot of fun with this – hope you give it a try!