Diamond Dimensions Trunk Show

November 18th, 2013

Hoppin’ Bobbin, Aberdeen Maryland, tomorrow at 6:30. I was pleasantly surprised to find there are 14 projects for my Diamond Dimensions ruler! 13-1/2 of them are mine! And no, that 1/2 project is not an unfinished quilt – its a complimentary item for another pattern which isn’t mine but uses the Diamond Dimensions Ruler. Hope to see you there! If not Tuesday night, I guess you’ll miss all the food but nots to worry, the quilts will be hanging for a month or so! All of the inspiration will be hanging around for a while – literally! 😉

dining diamonds wm


New Quilt Shop – Woo Hoo!

November 6th, 2013

No – Its not my quilt shop.  I’m pretty sure that owning a quilt shop is not something I would have the energy to do. Lots and lots of work deciding what to carry in the shop, sewing samples, paperwork and money management, staffing, and much more more. My hat goes off to those brave entrepreneurs who venture into this business! I love a good quilt shop so it was exciting to have the opportunity to explore this new one.

Prints Charming in Maple Leaf Maryland – actually, Fulton Maryland,  if you are trying to use your GPS to find it. I would like to call it Round-about-Maryland as I am sure I drove through about 5 traffic circles in the last mile and a half before arriving at the store. Its a little hard to find in this “planned community” where every building looks just like every other building but after a bit of driving around, it popped into view! Its a delightfully arranged, well lit store with lots of patterns and fabric. So if you are in the Baltimore/DC area, drop in for a visit. We need to support our local quilt shops so that they will stay around a while!

Diamond Dimensions Backgrounds

September 5th, 2013

I received an inquiry from Quiltbasket.com.  The question was – Did I have the measurements for the background pieces to accompany the Creative Grids Diamond Dimensions Ruler? Well, I hadn’t thought of that but many thanks to Cathy for spurring me on. I thought it was a great idea!

So if you want to make a star like this one


or something along these lines, here’s what you need.

Follow the directions included in the ruler for cutting diamonds. Or if you’ve lost them, here’s a link to them. Diamond Dimensions Ruler instructions.

Now you need a little more information to complete the star. I’ve included the background cutting sizes for the 8″ diamond all the way down to the 2″ diamond. So here they are – click on the link.

background measurements for stars

Maybe this will come in handy for all you Diamond Dimension Ruler fans. I know it will for me!

Heirloom Creations is busy creating!

August 19th, 2013

Look what popped up on Pintrest! Love this quilt! The blocks are very innovative disceptively easy because they use the Creative Grids 15-degree Ruler.

Fifteen Degree Quilt by Freckled Whimsy

Here’s a link to the pattern at Heirloom Creations too! http://www.heirloomcreations.net/shop/fifteen-degrees/

and they are also carrying the ruler http://www.heirloomcreations.net/shop/15-degree-triangle-ruler/


Up and Running Again!

August 12th, 2013

Sorry for being so quiet lately – been recovering from surgery – getting all those old-lady things fixed up so I can keep on chugging for a few more decades! I do have my doubts about how well dis-solvable stitches really dissolve though.

In the meantime, I’ve been creating lots of new things for the Diamond Dimensions Ruler.

diagonal table topper wm diamond collage wm split diamond wm

And there are still more to come – like Chevron Garden. I happily found the perfect fabric at our local quilt show this weekend to finish this one up.

And Border Mania – Round and Round and Round I go playing with those wonderful border prints and easily mitering them with the Diamond Dimensions ruler.

And String Fling… I know I’m being a tease but I’m having sooooo much fun sewing lately!

And a lovely shout-out goes to all those wonderful quilters who fell in love with Phatkats in the last few weeks! Thanks so much for all that Phatkat love !

Ah… the Beach….

June 21st, 2013

Ocean Breeze pic wm

Ocean Breeze

The Diamond Dimensions Ruler!

June 20th, 2013

Got my first shipment of rulers yesterday! They are in the warehouse and ready to go!

Dd ruler picture for website

I’m so excited about this tool. Not only can it do 45-degree diamonds up to 8″ wide but it makes mitering borders and blocks a breeze! Check out this how-to video to see what I mean!

Diamond Dimensions Ruler How-to Video

Here are just a few of the patterns I’ve got going for the ruler with many more to come.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA The Diamond Star started the whole thing! I needed a diamond ruler big enough with an easy-to-find 45-degree line to make the blocks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Diamond Chains was originally made with templates and lots of weird cutting – its so much easier now!

waterfall wm WaterFall – a little nod to the Modern Quilt movement. These diamonds are converted into rectangles for easy straight-line sewing. Watch the How-To video to see what I mean.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAmish Star has a lot of 45-degree cuts – easily done with the built-in 45-degree angle on the Diamond Dimensions Ruler!

Kaleido striped star wm kaleidoscope star wm Kaleidoscope Star – a quick and easy pattern from Cut Loose Press. Let the fabric do all the work!

Diamond Collage unquilted Diamond Collage is still on the cutting board – well, actually, the long-arm but it will be ready to go in just a week or two.

There will be more to come! But don’t wait on me – the ruler speaks for itself! Listen to it and get inspired!

The Truth About Rulers

May 24th, 2013

Through out my years of quilting, I have gained a great appreciation for the 1/4″ and even more understanding about how to use the 1/4″.  One of the most important things I have learned is that every one’s 1/4″ is not the same. Its not the same on your sewing machines. Berninas tend to be the most accurate. Pfaff sews a scant 1/4″ and Janome is a little big. Now with that said, I harken back to many Simply Quilts episodes when the enchanting Mary Ellen Hopkins was a guest and touted the importance of your own personal measurements. Her motto was whatever your 1/4″ happens to be, its fine as long as you are consistent.

As I get deeper and deeper into the ruler and pattern design of things, I’ve come to find out that’s really not true. What is most important is that the 1/4″ on the ruler that you cut your fabric with needs to be the same 1/4″ you sew your seams! This has become extremely evident as I create more blocks with odd angles and many, many pieces. For instance, six 15-degree fans when sewn together equal a 90-degree angle hence a square block. But if your seams are too large or slightly narrow, you change the angle of the fan. It is no longer 15-degrees. It might be 14, 13 or even 16 degrees now, none of which when multiplied by 6 equal 90.

Irregardless of angles, this is where I first noticed a difference. Two brands of rulers I started out with pictured here. I would cut my strips with the 24″ long ruler then cross cut those fabric strips with my 6″ square and invariably, the strips would be wider than the square.  As you can see, the square, when compared the 24″ ruler does not quite measure up! And, the lines on the rulers are different widths – that in itself can be a problem because one never knows exactly where to line up the line on the fabric…


So lets compare it to another square – here ya go. It seems to fit on one side but not on the top. So maybe its not square after all – This larger square is from even another manufacturer (my favorite, I might add).


But how about this big difference. As many of you know, I have designed a 15-degree ruler. When compared to another 15-degree ruler, the numbers don’t match up. A lot of that has to do with where one decides to start counting, I suppose.  But it can make things confusing…

15 degree rulers

So, I know sewing machine manufacturers have come up with all sorts of 1/4″ feet and buttons to shift needles left and right. Or one can always result to good old tape along the side of the needle to measure a 1/4″. No matter how you do it, make sure it matches the ruler you cut with. And with that said, it might be a good idea to keep faithful to one brand of ruler since they seem to have their differences too.  And I, of course, prefer those great rulers with the non-skid stuff on the back – you know which one I mean. Its not one that can be bought with a 50% off coupon either. That’s how I got those yellow lined ones, by the way. So I guess I got what I paid for…

My goal is to slowly turn over my ruler supplies to my favorite brand as time and money allow. Its something to think about…

PS I’ve been getting a few questions about my favorite brand – I didn’t mention it in order to be politically correct, I suppose, but its Creative Grids. You can only find them in quilt shops and on-lone stores so there’s no using a coupon at JoAnn’s to get a discount. But you may find that these rulers are worth the money!

Jinny Beyer has Honored Me Again!

April 24th, 2013

Check out Jinny’s version of my Court Jester pattern! Love it! Its her web special this week – check it out!


Court Jester

Diamond Dimensions!

April 17th, 2013

Got a new ruler coming out with Creative Grids – so new its not even here yet! But when it finally comes, it will be  a terrific asset to my quilting studio. Its a 45-degree ruler with a diamond on one end and straight edge on the other so not only can you cut strips but you can cut angles on your strips, strip-piece diamonds, diamond log cabins, large 8″finished diamonds or even mitered corner and borders. Chevrons will be a snap as well as a Texas Star and Lone Star. Well the list can go on and on….

Here’s a few of my patterns debuting with the ruler – Diamond Star has been around for a while but now it will be new and improved and many variations to come!


How ’bout a modern twist to that strip-pieced diamond normally reserved for the Texas Star. This ruler is so talented it can turn diamonds into rectangles for easy piecing ideas!

waterfall wm

And a simple yet fun way to use jelly rolls – a Catty-Cornered Table Topper. It finishes using the “pillow-case” method – very fast and functional too!

diagonal table topper wm


Wish I had a picture of the ruler too but good thing come to those who wait!