As I am always trying to find more space around here, I spent a day “cleaning up” again… Moving boxes and emptying shelves and rearranging furniture all in a effort to fit in my studio.
I found lots of interesting stuff in the process… This was one of my early attempts at cross-stitch. It was one of the premarked K-mart kits I bought when I was pregnant with my first child. This is a far as I’ve gotten or will ever get. There were 9 blocks total – now all stained with age. They hit the trash.

White Stars on a blue background! Extras left over from one of my very first block exchanges. I used several in a quilt that has long since been given away. These somehow didn’t make it into anything – but I’m keeping them any way. They will come in handy with my Anatomy of an Exchange lecture.

An attempt at a minature ala George Siciliano. – never gonna happen…. way over my head. The fabric went back into my stash and the 1 and a half blocks I started hit the trash.

A summer spread that I believe was my fathers – stained and ratty. I think my great-grandmother made it. Its missing parts and has lots of broken stitches. I think at one time I planned to fix it. And no, it did not hit the trash but I’m feeling pretty realistic about what is actually achievable for me lately – so it went into the linen closet… should be comfortably lost in there for years….

Projects I was gonna finish one day – found a few blocks that will make good potholders – don’t really know what to do with the rest – still contemplating their future since none of the projects have potential to be masterpieces. But I have to admit that at this time, I can’t remember where I put them.

2″ square collection! I was going to make a watercolor quilt. I saved these because you never know… I may actually use them one day.

Worthless binding – all cut single fold. Not even wide enough strips to fall into my “save” pile – trash. And they were sitting on top of some pre-fused applique that is so old its never going to stick to any thing. I saved the hoops.

So after all this glorious purging and cleaning and rearranging, I found a place for everything and then heading out to my guild meeting. Guess what – someone brought in a boat load of free stuff. I resisted as long as I could but, yes, I am sad to say, I brought stuff home.

I just don’t understand why nobody wanted the tulle and silk ribbons – really, that’s valuable stuff!